November 8, 2010

Celebrate National Young Readers Week! Nov. 8-12

National Young Readers Week is an annual event that was co-founded in 1989 by Pizza Hut® and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. To make this week special, many schools recruit local “celebrities” to read aloud a favorite children’s book to classrooms. (
National Young Readers Week
The Book It program is a great program to get children to read more. I actually remember doing this when I was in elementary school. Back then, we all got big buttons, and for every book we read, we got a sticker. Once our button had a certain amount of stickers, we got free pizza from Pizza Hut. It was a big hit in my class, and it still is!

Enslow books are a great way to get children to read nonfiction. See for lists of our titles.

How are you celebrating National Young Readers Week? Let us know!


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